ISP Support

What is included?

  • Automated monitoring of your connection every 60 seconds, 24/7/365.
  • A support ticket is created once a service is down for ten minutes.
  • A support ticket can be opened at the client’s request for packet loss above 1%.
  • Statistics are stored for at least 30 days, which helps when we need to prove there is an intermittent
    issue or a repeat issue.
  • Clients may request a custom status page to view monitor statistics and subscribe to email alerts.
  • Our team proactively engages outages during our Business Hours, M-F 8-5.
  • We contact your on-site contact to verify the status of the modem or gateway.
  • We then contact the provider to open a support ticket, and if necessary, schedule a service call.
  • We continue to work with the provider’s technical support team, the provider’s on-site technicians, and your on-site contact until the connection is fully operational.

What is NOT included:

  • After-hours Support
  • On-site support
  • Troubleshooting when the ISP Gateway is reporting to be online*
    • *We will not charge to rectify issues with DNS, routing, jitter, or packet loss above 1% with the ISP, but the time to diagnose and rule out client hardware and networks is considered billable time. We will request permission before performing billable work.
  • Moves, adds, changes, disconnects
    • Our project team will handle these and determine whether or not it is billable time.